Periodically evaluating your marketing strategy is necessary to reach your customers. It’s important that you take a holistic view of your marketing tactics and determine if changes need to be made. Look at the social media platforms you use and decide if you need to expand or make adjustments.
Think about what has worked well and what has not. Consider these questions:
Take a look at the latest financial reports. See what trends there are and if they coalesce around your marketing efforts.
Do a monthly audit of your social media accounts. Businesses spent over $17 billion on social media marketing alone in 2019. Consider how you utilize your accounts and resources and optimize these channels.
Now that you’ve taken the time to look at your plan and social media accounts, you can look at what’s working and what is not. It will help you to examine your business reach, engagements, and conversions.
Reach is all about the number of people your business touches. The more people you reach means the more people who could potentially walk through the doors of your business, in person and virtually.
If you’re having trouble expanding your reach, or you want to simply boost your social media and digital operations numbers, consider the following:
The whole point of marketing is to engage people around your brand. You want to attract the attention of potential customers, but marketing strategies can sometimes fail. Here are some ways to fix that and build on your businesses’ brand.
The transition from a potential customer to a purchasing customer is known as conversion. If you reach and engage with lots of prospects, but do not convert them into customers to purchase, here are some solutions to get people over the finish line.
Reviewing and enhancing your marketing strategy can take time and effort, but will pay off in the long run. Always remember:

The success of your business is only as strong as your marketing plan. Take time to review, tweak, and move forward with your plan. As your business grows, your marketing plan should grow with it.
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